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Embroidered Personalised Bee School Book Bag


Choose from 4 different book bags embroidered with your childs name and bee. With many children having the same book bags at school, this really stands out and means its so much easier to find amongst all the others. A great, fun, school bag personalised by you.

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Embroidered Personalised Bear School Book Bag


Choose from 4 different book bags embroidered with your childs name and bear. With many children having the same book bags at school, this really stands out and means its so much easier to find amongst all the others. A great, fun, school bag personalised by you.

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Embroidered Personalised Polar Bear School Book Bag


Choose from 4 different book bags embroidered with your childs name and polar bear. With many children having the same book bags at school, this really stands out and means its so much easier to find amongst all the others. A great, fun, school bag personalised by you.

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Embroidered Personalised Pig School Book Bag


Choose from 4 different book bags embroidered with your childs name and pig. With many children having the same book bags at school, this really stands out and means its so much easier to find amongst all the others. A great, fun, school bag personalised by you.

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Embroidered Personalised Penguin School Book Bag


Choose from 4 different book bags embroidered with your childs name and penguin. With many children having the same book bags at school, this really stands out and means its so much easier to find amongst all the others. A great, fun, school bag personalised by you.

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Embroidered Personalised Computer School Book Bag


Choose from 4 different book bags embroidered with your childs name and computer. With many children having the same book bags at school, this really stands out and means its so much easier to find amongst all the others. A great, fun, school bag personalised by you.

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Embroidered Personalised Crab School Book Bag


Choose from 4 different book bags embroidered with your childs name and crab. With many children having the same book bags at school, this really stands out and means its so much easier to find amongst all the others. A great, fun, school bag personalised by you.

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Embroidered Personalised Sheep School Book Bag


Choose from 4 different book bags embroidered with your childs name and sheep. With many children having the same book bags at school, this really stands out and means its so much easier to find amongst all the others. A great, fun, school bag personalised by you.

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